Month: May 2020
How Long Do Gel Ice Packs Last? Do They Last Longer Than Ice?
Gel ice packs are commonly used as a way to treat injuries as well as a way to keep food and drink items cold. But do gel ice packs last for each application and do they last longer than ice? They actually last extremely different lengths of time depending on what application you use them…
Ice Pack Broke Open or Leaking – Is It Dangerous?
It’s not uncommon for ice packs, ice bricks or gel ice packs to break open and leak blue liquid or gel everywhere. Sometimes it even gets on your skin. If your ice pack broke open or is leaking you may be wondering whether or not it’s dangerous and what you should do if it has…
7 Easy Ways To Make Your Own Gel Ice Pack
Making your own gel ice pack can be quick, easy and cheap and can be a great way to treat injuries or to keep your lunch cold. Often they can be made with items you already have laying around your house too. Why go out there and spend $10-$15 on an ice pack when you…
What To Do If You’ve Accidentally Washed A Silica Gel Packet
Sometimes mistakes happen and from time to time you may throw something brand new in the wash but forget to take out the silica gel packet that came with it. What do you do if you’ve accidentally washed a silica gel packet? If you’ve accidentally washed a silica gel packet remove it and any loose…
Is Silica Gel Toxic To Cats? What If Your Kitty Eats It?
Silica Gel is a common ingredient used in kitty litter due to it’s ability to adsorb water from the cat’s urine without leaving a mess. It is sometimes just clear but often it comes with a mixture of clear silica gel pellets as well as blue or orange pellets that change color when they get…
Do Gel Ice Packs Expire? Can They Go Bad?
Gel ice packs are used by millions of people to apply to injuries, reduce swelling or to keep our lunch cold throughout the day. But often these will live in your freezer for years, getting used sporadically or hardly at all. So you might ask do gel ice packs expire? Do these gel ice packs…
Is Silica Gel Dangerous or Safe To Touch?
Silica gel comes in lots of consumer packaging and is used to absorb moisture and to keep it away from foods, medicines, clothing and even electronics. Silica gel bags often come with warning labels “DO NOT EAT” and you may be wondering is silica gel dangerous to touch or can you safely touch it? Is…
Does Silica Gel Expire? Silica Gel Expiry Date
Silica gel is a great moisture absorber and has many different uses across lots of industries. From food to medicine to ammunition. But does silica gel expire and if so what is silica gel’s expiration date? It’s an interesting question and if you plan on using your silica gel for a long them then it…
Is The Liquid In Ice Packs Toxic or Poisonous?
Blue ice packs, also know as gel ice packs, are able to get extremely cold without completely freezing solid. This makes the very useful for applying to injuries on your body where you need to mold the ice pack over the skin. They are also commonly used in lunch boxes to keep everything cold. But…
Does Walmart Sell Yeti Coolers?
Walmart is a great place to shop for discounts on lots of different products. It can be an easy and convenient store to shop at. So you may be asking does Walmart sell Yeti products? And if Walmart does sell Yeti products do they offer a discount on them? Unfortunately no, Walmart does not sell…